Sam Gaynor is an experienced North American felony prosecutor and a long-time crime fiction writer. Sam was placed inside a police drug enforcement unit, as as prosecutor, for eighteen months.
Gaynor's first mystery novel placed second at the London Book Fair Lit-Idol Competition in 2005. Two of Gaynor's novels (including Hardways in 2017) have been longlisted by CWA's Debut Dagger.
Hardways was shortlisted for the Debut Dagger in 2019 (and named Highly Commended). First bridesmaid. Not bride.
Gaynor's mainstream novel Chelsea Avenue won First Place at the Pacific Northwest Writers Conference in 2014.
Gaynor is a member of the Mystery Writers of America.
Gaynor was born and raised in Detroit and is a graduate of Columbia University School of Law in NYC.
Gaynor longs to race a 1979 Fiat. Time trials set for the spring of 2020.
Crime Fiction
Judicial Discretion
Pink Mist
Chelsea Avenue